CIF Esports Initiative
We’re excited to announce the inaugural live, in-person tournament for the CIF Esports Initiative
Championship Finals to be held on April 27, 2024 at the California State University, Dominguez
Hills Toro Esports Academy. As the official esports provider of the CIF Esports Initiative, NASEF
has managed the statewide CIF tournament, with over 400 teams competing in popular esports
games. This live Championship Finals will offer exciting competition and crown a champion in
League of Legends, Rocket League, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
You’re invited to join the live event and cheer on your favorite team! The Toro Esports Academy
is located on the campus of California State University, Dominguez Hills at 1000 E Victoria St,
Carson CA 90747. Closest parking is Lot 6 and parking permits can be purchased at nearby
kiosks. For those unable to attend in-person, the Championship Finals will be streamed on
NASEF’s Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/nasefedu.
Find details about the tournament, rulebooks, and other information at https://www.nasef.org/compete/cif-california.

About the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)
Created in 1914, the CIF is the governing body for high school sports in the state of California.
CIF is uniquely positioned to foster student growth in values and ethics. CIF’s ideal of “Pursuing
Victory with Honor,” provides the opportunity to influence the actions of the athletic community.
CIF strives to promote equity, quality, character, and academic development. CIF is a nonprofit
federation and the state office, located in Sacramento, California, represents the interests of its
member Sections.
The 10 Sections represent geographic regions within the state: Central, Central Coast, Los
Angeles City, North Coast, Northern, Oakland, Sac-Joaquin, San Diego, San Francisco, and
Southern. CIF represents 1,624 public and private member schools and more than 760,000
student-athletes. CIF conducts Regional and State Championships in badminton, baseball,
traditional competitive cheer, cross country, football, volleyball, tennis, wrestling, basketball,
soccer, softball, swimming & diving, track & field, golf, water polo and the CIF Esports Initiative .
CIF Sections conduct championships in more than 26 sports. Visit CIF at CIFState.org and
follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @CIFState.
NASEF is on a misson to provide opportunities for all students to use esports as a platform to
acquire STEM/STEAM-based skills and critical communication, collaboration, and
problem-solving skills needed to thrive in work and in life. NASEF operates under the umbrella
of the World Wide Scholastic Esports Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit headquartered in Atlanta,
GA. The International Esports Federation has entrusted NASEF with training and supporting its 130+ member federations as they undertake development of scholastic esports programs. Find NASEF at NASEF.org and on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram .
About CSUDH Esports
CSUDH Esports is founded on Five Pillars of Esports: Academics & Research, Career
Development, Community, Competition, and Entertainment. At CSU Dominguez Hills, esports is
a strategy, not an outcome. Within each pillar, CSUDH Esports provides opportunities for
students to gain hands-on experience and learn new skills. The esports teams at CSUDH
compete nationally in leagues or tournaments each semester. Student players are able to
connect with other collegiate gamers and gain the hard skills that facilitate their entry into
various fields upon graduation, whether they remain in esports or not. CSU Dominguez Hills
faculty has also started development on esports specific curriculum, with the intent to establish
a minor or major in esports.
Located on the second floor of the Leo Cain University Library, the CSUDH Toro Esports
Academy is designed to be a flexible, institution-wide space. It serves the entire university
community by offering a practical classroom, a competitive arena, an incubator space, and a
broadcast room. There are currently 38 gaming stations plus three broadcast stations. Events
can access all 38 stations as needed, teams can overflow into the incubation or classroom
sections, and students are free to collaborate and develop their ideas. Sponsors have
graciously donated and provided equipment for lab operations. Find out more at https://esports.csudh.edu/.