Esports Makes the Front Page
As the world has come to a standstill due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, many CSUDH clubs and organizations have been halted to prevent the spread of the disease; but the Esports association on campus is not allowing the virus to press pause on their gaming. From increasing its presence on Twitch and competing online against other universities, to one student jumping into the relatively unknown esport of Speedrunning, the association has remained active. “We stayed active in the sense that we have been meeting more virtually,” Ruben Caputo, the Esports association adviser and manager said. “We’ve been able to get even more organized which is great. Getting our structure, refining a couple of things we’ve always wanted to do, and because we’re more at home right now, we’re just more accessible to one another and we’ve been able to just come up with a lot of great ideas.”
This article originally appeared on the CSUDH Bulletin Issue 7 Spring 2020 by Ulises Rodriguez
Photo Credit: Ulises Rodriguez